Abbeylawn have a range of composite fencing to suit all needs.

6×1 Composite wood effect fencing.
The Composite fencing pictured above can be used as a complete fence or as a replacement for timber panels in concrete posts.
Each board is 6’ long and 6” high and 1” thick .They come with a rib on one side and are smooth on the other side
They are €15 each.
These are very light and easy to handle.
If being fitted in a concrete post there is an Composite U strip the goes onto the post to hold the boards in place. These strips are €25 for the pair.
There is also a top and bottom strip to finish off the top of the boards
These are €20 for the pair
- 6×1 Composite wood effect fencing Panels .
- 6×1-T-and-G-Wood-effect-Composite-boards
- 6×1-T-and-G-Wood-effect-Composite-boards
- 6×1 Composite wood effect fencing Panels .
- 6×1 Composite wood effect fencing Panels .